Titel: Investigating User-Adaptive Virtual Immersive Training (VIT) Systems' Effectiveness in Industrial Training Performance
Titel: Toward a successful multi-dimensional servitization transformation
Titel: Blockchain for Interorganizational Collaboration: A Wind Industry Supply Chain Perspective
Deltag i Microsoft Teams-møde.
Hvis du vil læse mere om 2. års evalueringerne, så følg dette link: https://btech.medarbejdere.au.dk/phd/vejlederko…
Titel: Applying AI-Based Solutions to Avoid Bird Collisions at Wind Farms
Two-day event that features talks by external and CGC experts on various research challenges related to 6G and enabling technologies.
The speaker for this seminar is Agnieszka Radziwon. Sign up for the seminar no later than 1 December and stay updated on the latest academic trends…
If you have an interest in India (professional or just curious), you are most welcome to join (bring your own coffee).
Titel: Growth perspectives of indoor vertical farms in cities: The sustainable energy-based business approach
Title: Managerialization through M&A: Transformation from a non-profit organization to a commercial hybrid conglomerate - a longitudinal case study of…
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