The CGC research centre is the host of a seminar with Dr. Neeli Prasad and Dr. Vandana Baste Rohokale.
On Wednesday, 3 April 2019, Brian Bech Nielsen, rector of Aarhus University, will visit the department. At the meeting, rector will give a short…
Novelty of Laboratory Measurement Tools in Multi Business Model Innovation
Så er det blevet tid til at hygge med kollegaerne igen, derfor indbydes/indkaldes I alle til bowling/generalforsamling i personaleforeningen på AU i…
Investigating the Feasibility of Electric Vehicles and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Nordic Region: A path for adoption.
COBE Lab afholder i samarbejde med Aarhus Universitets Technology and Transfer Office (TTO) en workshop for forskere, som gerne vil opdateres om…
Everyone is welcome to participate.
The committee for research and external cooperation at Aarhus University invites leaders at all levels, scientific personnel, HR management, advisors…
The speaker for this seminar is Lars Bækgaard, Associate Professor.
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