BTECH research seminar
At the first seminar of the BTECH research seminar series, Sven Kunisch will present his work on literature reviews.
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Room 2052 | BC 15 | Herning

The topic of Sven’s talk will be “Literature Reviews in Management and Organisation Research”.
Sven has published a number of review articles in ABS 3 and 4 rated journals, including the Academy of Management Annals and International Journal of Management Reviews. He is also editing a special issue of Organizational Research Methods (ABS 4) on ‘How to Conduct Rigorous and Impactful Literature Reviews?’, which is accepting submissions until March 1, 2019.
Sven’s PURE profile.
Attached: CV and call for papers.
The BTECH research seminars are a new initiative that focuses on professional inspiration and insights as well as knowledge sharing across study programmes and research sections.
Sign up for the seminars and stay updated on the latest academic trends within BTECH’s research areas.
The research seminars consist of a presentation and a discussion – more information about the contents of the individual seminars will follow.
Sandwiches will be served to all participants.