Educational workshop

The purpose of the workshop is to inspire and stimulate dialogue amongst anyone engaged in teaching and supervision at AU Herning.

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Torsdag 26. oktober 2023,  kl. 08:30 - 13:00


Room 2131 | BC 15

Foto: Ignacio Ceballos on Unsplash

The focus is to explore current and emergent issues in teaching and learning - specifically addressing the impact of AI on teaching, supervision and exams, as well as discussing different feedback formats that could enhance student engagement and performance. 

All BTECH VIP are expected to participate - PhD students, TECH VIP, and administrative staff with responsibility for study programmes are also welcome. Please contact the relevant programme coordinator if you need to reschedule teaching to participate.

Registration is necessary – please accept the calendar invitation no later than 1 October 2023 and inform Janni about any dietary needs.

Feel free to contact Anne Ballantyne with questions. 

08:30 Bread and coffee
09:00 Welcome
09:10 ‘Feedback forms and formats in teaching and supervision – and how this could influence student satisfaction, attendance and drop-out’ with Annika Lindberg, Centre for Educational Development, Aarhus University.
10:15 Break
10:30 ‘ChatGPT – opportunities and challenges for teaching, supervision and exams’ with Bjarke Rahbek, Centre for Educational Development, Aarhus University.
11:30 ‘Feedback continued’ with Annika Lindberg, Centre for Educational Development, Aarhus University.
12:30 Lunch
13:00 Optional individual discussion about ChatGPT, feedback and teaching with Bjarke Rahbek and Annika Lindberg.