Seminar on responsible authorship and supervision at Aarhus BSS
To contribute to raising awareness about authorship practices across Aarhus BSS, a seminar has been planned for 31 May at 14:30–16:00.
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Building 1330, Bartholins Allé 7, Aarhus C, meeting room 126

As many have probably noticed, issues related to questionable authorship practices have received considerable attention recently. In particular, the ‘Please Don’t Steal My Work’ debate highlighted problematic cases of co-authorship between early career researchers and their supervisors.
At Aarhus BSS, questionable authorship practices have been discussed in both the PhD committee, the research committee, and the academic council. As a common thread, these discussions emphasized the importance of addressing both benefits and challenges related to co-authoring papers and the need for recognising disciplinary differences in authorship practices. Also, maintaining a continuous and open dialogue about responsible approaches to authorship and supervision is key to avoiding conflicts and malpractices.
To contribute to raising awareness about authorship practices across Aarhus BSS, a seminar has been planned for 31 May at 14:30 – 16:00.
The program includes brief presentations on ‘responsible authorship’ by professor Jesper W. Schneider and ‘responsible supervision’ by postdoc Tamarinde L. Haven, both from CFA at the department of political science. The presentations will be followed by discussions among seminar participants and a panel consisting of members of the Aarhus BSS research committee.
We hope to see colleagues from across departments at Aarhus BSS. The seminar will take place in building 1330, meeting room 126 (at the Department of Political Science). In case of many attendees, the seminar will be moved to the adjacent staff lounge. Following the seminar there will be an opportunity to continue informal discussions over drinks.
Kind regards,
Thomas Pallesen
Niels Mejlgaard
Vice dean for research and talent development