Title: Digital Shop Floor Management in Manufacturing
Title: Architectures and Supporting Algorithms for Spectrum and CA for Small Cells and Ultradense Deployments
Title: Towards new imaginaries of consumption waste
Online speak by Dr. Ir. Neeli Prasad
Brian Vejrum Wæhrens will present his rich research within fields like manufacturing, supply chain and sourcing.
Poul Erik Borg har besluttet at gå på pension. Du inviteres derfor til en lille afskedsreception i kantinen, hvor instituttet byder på en lille…
Risk Assessment of Cyber Infrastructure and Interdependent Systems: A Dynamic Modelling Approach
Offshore Wind Project Production System: Reducing Construction Duration Through Planning
Research presentation by PhD candidate Ilse Svensson de Jong from Lund University.
Denne gang er fokus blandt andet på data som drivkraft for teknologisk udvikling, og hvordan man via indsamling af data kan få det rette grundlag at…
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