The speaker for this seminar is Jan-Phillip Herrmann. Title: Software-Based Assistance Systems for the Digital Transformation of Small and…
Så er det blevet tid til årets sommerfest ⛵☀️
The speaker for this seminar is Verena Karlsdóttir from the University of Akureyri, Iceland.
The speaker for this seminar is Mahour Parast.
Digitalisation of offshore wind
Due to the global energy crisis and environmental concerns, the wind has become an important renewable energy…
Title: Power Grid Control Centers of the Transmission System Operators: A brief introduction to their role regarding safety, economic dispatch, and…
Den 24. april kl. 10.00 vil Oliver Fuglsang Grooss forsvare sin ph.d.-afhandling med titlen "Navigating Digitalization in SMEs: A Focus on Maintenance…
Den 22. april kl. 10.00 vil Fabien Rezac forsvare sin ph.d.-afhandling med titlen "On Challenges in Navigating Ecosystems: A Collection of Articles".…
Personaleforeningen inviterer til en hyggelig aften i Højhuset med Michael Nørager som facilitator.
Tilmelding og indbetaling senest fredag den 9.…
The speaker for this seminar is Bruna Cescatto Costa, PhD student at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil.
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