The committee for research and external cooperation at Aarhus University invites leaders at all levels, scientific personnel, HR management, advisors…
The speaker for this seminar is Lars Bækgaard, Associate Professor.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
Join us at the Prize Ceremony and Friday Bar on 8 February 2019!
The speaker for this seminar is Professor René Chester Goduscheit.
For students who have graduated the BDE, Electronic Engineering, GMM, MSc in Engineering, MSc in Marketing and Business Innovation, BSc and HA study…
Green Multi-Objective Hybrid Routing in Wireless Sensor Network with Cross-Layer Optimization Approach
The HIP staff association invites all Campus Herning staff to meet the first Friday in each month for a soda or a beer and some casual conversation.
Join your colleagues for some "julehygge" and to wish each other a happy holiday season. Register through the link above before 12 December.
We hereby invite you to the annual Christmas Party. This year, we have chosen to prioritise taste experiences and invite you to a gin tasting before…
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