BTECH conference
Do you know what your colleagues work on? We will spend two days presenting our own research, educational and dissemination activities to colleagues in the usual conference format with parallel sessions and peer feedback.
Info about event

There will be research and non-research sessions. Presentations will be 15 minutes with 5 minutes of peer feedback.
Attendance is compulsory for VIP (except for VIP on exchange or secondments), so mark your calendar.
Submission deadline for research papers and non-research reports/power-points is 1 November.
Preparation for the BTECH conference will take place at section meetings, and questions should be directed to Mirko and Rene.
Note: Non-research session submissions are a note/report or power-point with a clearly defined “topic” (such as blended learning, student attraction, company collaboration, green transition etc.) stated on the front page. Research submissions are extended abstracts of a papers in (or close to) the publication phase. All VIP are expected to make a submission in their domain (research or non-research), but you are most welcome to submit to both domains. TAP is also welcome to submit a presentation and join the conference. Colleagues from AU Herning TECH are naturally also welcome.