DBD project workshop

We invite you to join the DBD project workshop! The DBD project is an initiative that contributes to alignment between research, teaching and projects in the digital domain.

Info about event


Monday 20 February 2023,  at 09:00 - 10:30


Room 209 | Innovatorium


Part 1: Project presentations

JustWind4All - George Xydis

The JustWind4All project supports the development of just on- and offshore wind energy in the European Union. What makes the project stand out is its trans- and interdisciplinary multi-method research design, which includes holistic impact assessments, living labs, and regional case studies. In the project, we aim to develop a wind energy governance toolbox that supports participation, energy citizenship and governance processes.

GLASSCIRCLE - Michal Beliatis

The GlassCircle project helps glass fiber manufacturers reduce the environmental impacts of glass fiber waste by bringing it back into use. During glass fiber manufacturing, significant amount of residue material is generated. This is considered as pollution to our environment, creating additional costs, waste and inefficient material use within glass fiber industry. This issue is complex and the solution can be achieved only by bringing together industry, experts and scientists, as well as public authorities within the field.

Part 2: Discussion 

Discussion of content and exchange of ideas - 30 min.

  • How can we leverage the projects (data) to generate value in the context of the DBD Project?
  • Do the projects (data) constitute potential research topics? Potential teaching topics? Potential prototype topics and/or demonstration cases? 

Collaboration and practicalities – 30 min.

  • Organisation of potential collaborations and meetings.
  • Organisation of physical space.
  • Input for future DBD Project workshops.

Sign up for the DBD project workshop and take part in the knowledge-sharing contributing to aligning BTECH’s efforts in the digital domain.