BTECH research seminar
The speaker for this seminar is Dr. Ulrich Löwen from Siemens Technology. The topic is 'Data Spaces – The Solution for Data Sharing Between Companies?'

Ulrich Löwen has a PhD in computer science and has many years of professional experience at Siemens in various roles. He is currently working for Siemens Technology as a subject matter expert on digitization in the manufacturing industry. He is involved in activities of Plattform Industrie 4.0, various associations (e.g., GMA, VDMA), consortia and international collaborations (e.g., Japan, China). His work focuses on scenarios and use cases to illustrate the business value of new digital technologies, especially in the manufacturing industry. In addition, he lectures on "Application Scenarios Industrie 4.0" at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen.
Ulrich Löwen will present on his experiences with data spaces touching upon:
- What is the purpose of data spaces?
- Which business stakeholders are involved in data space scenarios?
- What is the value proposition of these business stakeholders and what are their benefits?
- What is the relation to platform economy?
The seminar starts at 12.00 and Ulrich will present for about one hour followed by Q/A.
After a short break, Parwinder will present our plans for developing our own data space. This is followed by a discussion.
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