Machine Vision Based Traffic Surveillance using Rotating Camera
The speaker for this seminar about the exploitation of solar energy is Kurt Valentin Mikkelsen from Chemical Institute, University of Copenhagen.
Cooperative Mimo Solutions for HBC and Future Wireless Application
Se programmet ved at følge linket ovenfor. Husk at melde dig til en workshop via inden den 24. august.
Efficient and robust speaker identification system under adverse conditions
At the first seminar of the BTECH research seminar series, Sven Kunisch will present his work on literature reviews.
Nu er det tid til at tilmelde sig årets sommerfest ...
Exploring and Explaining the Weekend Effect in a Danish Emergency Department
Research presentation by Professor Torben Dall Schmidt on the topic “Cities, Education and the Creative Wage Premium: Does Creativity Matter for…
You are hereby invited to BTECH’s PhD students’ first and second year presentations.
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