Lene Weyergang, BTECH's new communications consultant

Meet Lene, and learn more about her work areas, professional background, hobbies and more here.

Why did you choose to work at BTECH?
I chose to accept the job as a communications consultant at the Department of Business Development and Technology because it gives me the opportunity to work both strategically and hands-on with all kinds of disciplines within marketing and communication. I look forward to developing and executing effective campaigns that increase awareness of AU Herning and (hopefully) attract new students.

What is your area of work?
I will be working on how we communicate and market ourselves to current and potential students, the business community, partners and other stakeholders. My primary focus is to increase awareness of AU Herning and recruit new students to our programmes.

What is your background?
I trained as a legal secretary because I once though that I would study law. However, I ended up earning a bachelor's degree in Nordic Language and Literature combined with a master's degree in Rhetoric. After that, I worked for nine years as a digital marketing consultant at a web and advertising agency in Herning, where I was responsible for developing, implementing, and optimising marketing strategies for both Danish and international companies. My tasks were diverse and varied according to the companies' needs, ranging from strategy development and content marketing to social media, email marketing and performance measurement.

Would you like to tell a bit about yourself, your family and your hobbies?
When I'm off work, I'd love to be able squeeze in an intense workout at the gym or go for a long walk in the woods and then curl up on the sofa with a hot cup of coffee or a nice glass of wine. But that's far from reality with three little bundles of energy, aged 6, 4 and 1, who demand my full attention when I pick them up from daycare, kindergarten and nursery. It's full speed ahead, and I love everything about it. Additionally, I have been married to Lasse for 8 years.