Oliver Grooss will be giving his first year PhD presentation.
Read more about first year presentations on our website: https://btech.medarbejdere.au…
Kristoffer Holm will be giving his second year PhD presentation.
Read more about second year presentations on our website:https://btech.medarbejdere…
Speaker: René Chester Goduscheit
Title: No Strings Attached ? Potential Effects of External Funding on Freedom of Research
Attached you will find…
Millimeter Wave Channel Modeling and Its Implications in 5G Cellular Design
CET is excited to announce its upcoming GENIE project workshop. The workshop will feature the GeoEngineering and Negative Emission Pathways in Europe…
The facilitators of this PRO*TORSDAG are Anna Sophia Sørensen and Petra Kerepecka. They will discuss and conduct a workshop based on their Technology…
The speaker for this seminar is Daniel Luecht, Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy.
Vær med til AU RUN 2021, der er det fedeste motionsløb på Aarhus Universitet! Bemærk, at tilmeldingsfristen er den 28. september.
All are welcome to join.
Please find the programme, abstracts of the individual talks and Zoom info here.
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