Danish abbreviations – use them correctly

Perhaps you are among those who sometimes write the following Danish words and phrases with the wrong abbreviation?

Photo: Pixabay, Pexels

Don’t worry; we’ll give you the correct versions here:

Word/sentence Abbreviation
blandt andet bl.a. (remember both periods)
den (when indicating a date) d. (remember the period)
for eksempel f.eks. or fx
i forhold til ift. (not ‘ifht.’)
inklusiv inkl. (not the English abbreviation ‘incl.’’)
jævnfør jf.
maksimum maks. (not max.; only in English, but here it’s written without a full stop: ‘max’).
versus vs. (remember the period)

If you're unsure or curious about other Danish abbreviations, you can probably find them in this list: https://forkortelsen.dk/.

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