Lower- or uppercase letters
When to use lowercase and uppercase letters in your academic writing?

1. Subject and research areas Subject and research areas such as ’strategic management’, ’big data’ and ’business analytics’ are common nouns and do not usually take a capital letter:
Note: In English, there are two ways of using uppercase letters in titles and headings: 1) Capitalise the first letters of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and subordinating conjunctions, or 2) treat the heading as you would treat a sentence; you capitalise the first letter:
2. Degrees, programmes and courses When referring to degrees and study programmes in general, lowercase letters are used:
Course names are usually written with lowercase letters in Danish, whereas in English, the first letters of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and subordinating conjunctions are capitalised:
3. Job titles and academic degrees In Danish, most job titles are written with a lowercase initial letter:
In English, it is a little different. Here, titles are written with capital initial letters if the title is preceded by a name and with a lowercase initial letter if it follows the person’s name: